Balance7™ is a pioneering wellness solution, built on scientifically validated, natural elements. Geared towards balancing your body's acidity level, helping combat the effects of our environment and processed foods.
Why Immunity Needs pH Balance
The choices we make, from food to our way of life and stress, can add acidity to our bodies. Acidity is the environment that most diseases, cancers, and other ailments thrive in!
Eating Healthy is More Expensive than Ever
More than 82% of Americans report that they eat ultra-processed foods. With food prices sky rocketing, it's harder than ever not to include processed foods in our diets.
The pH Solution You've Been Waiting For
Balance7™ is your holistic solution. It fights acidity, inflammation, and related health challenges, fortifying immunity and restoring balance. Balance7™ helps counter the effects of processed foods.
Dr. Nooristani, with his profound medical experience, underscores the importance of pH balance and immunity, endorsing Balance7™ for its unparalleled potential in boosting health and vitality.
With 1 in 4 Americans being at risk of getting cancer (per the CDC), the importance of boosting your immune system and countering the effects of our diets is critical.
How It Works!
Our bodies seek a balanced pH. A tilt towards acidity will weaken our immunity system and can trigger a slew of other negative effects. Balance7™ ensures this balance, fortifying immunity and ensuring robust health.
Lisa Kruitbosch - 2 time Cancer Survivor
With the help of Balance7™ pH 11+ Alkaline Concentrate Lisa is here today!
- "Lisa is not a paid actor"
Shop now to boost your immunity journey. Use coupon code BALANCEYOURPH at checkout.
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About Balance7
Balance7 believes in the "pHilosophy of healthy living." It's about maintaining the right pH balance in the body for optimal health and vitality.
A balanced pH (around 7.35-7.45) keeps illnesses at bay, such as hypertension, cancer, and diabetes. An imbalanced pH can be caused by diet, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Balance7 helps:
In just 3 days, you can feel these changes!
Initially, taking three one-ounce doses a day for the first three days can help you begin to feel the revitalizing effects. After this initial period, it’s important to continue taking Balance7 daily to maintain your body's pH balance at an alkaline level.
Balance7 is not just a supplement. It's an alkaline concentrate formula designed to restore your body's natural pH balance. Plus, you'll feel its effects in just three days.