How Is Low Body pH (ACIDOSIS) Produced?
Acidosis - Balance 7
"We understand so you can live healthier"
We know that acid rain kills forests, that acid creates rust, and that acid waste pollutes lakes… What we don’t realize is that acid in our bodies likewise can kill… as it produces an atmosphere for disease. When our primary “building block”, water, has an out-of-balance pH level, (i.e. acidosis), our body’s mechanisms for health maintenance and restoration are greatly compromised and disease will strike. Understand clearly that acidosis (low pH) is a deadly enemy to the health mechanisms of your body. It will corrode and eventually destroy your body’s own ability to defend itself from sickness and disease. Through your efforts to eliminate this condition from the water of your body, you will effectively help your own body keep healthy.
It is not a coincidence that cancer rates are increasing, and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and persistent allergies are becoming more common. These illnesses are all correlated with the rise in consumption of acid-forming foods such as refined sugars, trans fats, fast food, processed foods, and white breads. At the same time our consumption of fresh, clean, foods like vegetables and essential fatty acids in steadily declining. This is paving the way for a future generation hooked on processed and acidic foods.
So… let’s begin to get practical. What place does pasta, chocolate, coffee, tea, beef, poultry, rice, beer or wine, bread, and eggs have in your diet? For most us, these foods are essential and “non-negotiable” and form the majority of our diet. However, when metabolized, these very foods leave a metallic and chemical residue in our bodies that tend to create lower-than-normal pH levels. When our diets do not include enough alkaline-producing foods, our bodies become acidic. This is called acidosis.
Acidosis is a process or a trend toward acidemia. Academia is an actual change in blood pH. It is defined as a blood pH of less than 7.35. This is very unlikely to occur, as the body has multiple mechanisms to enable it to maintain a very stable blood pH. Acidosis becomes acidemia when compensatory measures become overwhelmed. This typically happens in “advanced diseases” like kidney and lung failure, Diabetes etc. but also acidosis occurs through other ways including food, beverages, drugs, and genetic disorders.
Acidosis occurs primarily in 3 ways:
- Diet (food and beverages)
- Drugs
- Genetic disorders metabolism
1. Diet-induced Acidosis:
When talking about diet-induced acidosis, this is about the acid/base changes induced by the food constituents. the kidneys and lungs get rid of almost, but not all of this excessive acidity, when these systems start to fail, calcium from bone is used instead as the buffer. Example 3 g of bone is needed to neutralize 1 g of acid. this excessive acidity turns out to be a seriously under-recognized cause of osteoporosis. The primary sources of acidity in the diet are sulfur-containing amino acids, salt, and phosphoric acid in soft drinks.
2. Drug-induced Acidosis
Many commonly prescribed drugs including some blood pressure, Cholesterol medications, Antibiotics, anti-fungal, chemo drugs, Salicylate, induce acidity in the body through a variety of mechanisms.
3. Genetic and Metabolic disorders
Several diseases disrupt metabolism in ways that cause excessive acidity. Most important are kidney disease, diabetes, diarrhea, pancreatic drainage, biliary fistula, Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematous, urinary tract obstruction, fever, aldosterone deficiency, and androgen deficiency, chronic pyelonephritis, obstructive uropathy, RTA and many more. Acidosis could also causes insulin resistance and insulin resistance increases metabolic acidity—another vicious cycle.
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